Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Not sure many of you are aware(or care) that my house has been for sale since May. If you go back to HERE you'll find my reason. Now the fun begins! Not only do we need to find a NEW house, we need to find Daycare and a school for LB! Not to mention hockey has just started for him.

Word to TwinCity home owners looking to sell:

Think of a price. Then take that price and SLASH it by 20K, then be prepared for tire kickers and brokers looking to steal your house. Then sit back and keep telling yourself "don't worry we'll screw the next folks who's house has been on the market for six months." Ahhhh.... the American dream!

That will give you solace when you sign that purchase agreement.

That's ok, we get to move back to the MAJORITY!

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