Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Forget IT!

So you thought I forgot about you ehhhh? No, life has been hectic of late. I'll bring you up to speed if you even care.

Put in a purchase agreement for a house in AppleValley. Would you believe that tomorrow is suppose to be the closing date!!! ARGHHHH!

Well it's not happening. Here's why! I need to sell MY FING HOUSE! I am not sure what people (people who can even afford my house) are looking for?

It is a starter home on the East Side by Lake Phalen! 3 bed 1 bath. WTF!
Everybody, save one family has been a minority "just looking" What do you want for 180K? 5 bedroom, 2 bath with a jacuzzi bath tub? Forget it!

Tack on another 100k and you get what you want.

So if anybody else out there is thinking of selling get ready...It a buyers market AGAIN!

Now if they would lift my contingency I could go back and low ball them...DAMN!!!!!!!!

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